Digital illustrator Fundamentals

Digital illustrator Fundamentals

Introduction to Digital illustration: 

1.History, contemporary practice.
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Start an adobe spark journal

 2. Familiarity with the digital painting interface, graphics tablets, scanners and printers.

  • see research and timelines

3. Digital painting brushes and techniques.

  • Anna Wray Tutorial 

4. The cube, sphere, cone and cylinder – drawing

  • 3D tools in illustrator, extrude, revolve and rotate.
  • Jessica Walsh ...typography exercise

5. The cube, sphere, cone and cylinder – digital painting

Composition: Golden section and divine proportion, creating an underlay grid system. 

Perspective: 1, 2 and 3 point basics.

Using the perspective grids in Illustrator and photoshop

Developing a grid for digital painting.

Form: shift in plane = shift in value, hard surface, soft form modeling.

Mesh tool
Polygon illustrations

 Diana Hlevnjak and Diana D'Achille....tutorials

Light: Sunlight and artificial light, reflected light.

Depth: atmospheric perspective, recession, levels of detail.

see how colour can be used to create depth and perspective

Colour: warm and cool, understanding 

Colour temperature. Basic environment illustration

Design and presentation: organization of work, InDesign layout and typography, placing images, exporting portfolio for screen and print use.

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